After careful consideration of the risks involved, it has been decided that we will commence our regular Tuesday and Thursday night clay target shoots beginning on Tuesday June 30th. We recognize that not everyone is yet comfortable engaging in group activities. It is up to each individual to assess his or her own level of risk tolerance and be responsible for her or his own safety while at B.C.S.C. club activities.
We will be adopting general CDC guidelines of “Social Separation” to the level that is achievable during this type of group activity. We ask for your cooperation, but we will not run a dictatorship. As always you have the option to remove yourself from any activity that you feel threatens your health or general safety. Each individual assumes total responsibility for his or her own safety.
Until further notice, we will be observing the following health and safety guidelines:
1. If you feel sick or are running a fever of 101⁰ F or higher please stay at home.
2. Please stay away if you have a persistent cough; especially of unexplained origins.
3. Please stay away if you have had recent contact with someone who is known or presumed to be infected with the Covid-19 virus.
4. For the duration of this pandemic the club will provide hand sanitizer and encourage its frequent use by all who attend our open events.
5. For the duration of this pandemic the club will provide antiseptic cleaning products for the frequent cleaning of common surfaces such as, but not limited to door handles, pull buttons and seating. This is for anyone to use.
6. The portable restroom will remain open. We will provide you with cleaning products for sanitization if you wish. Use at your own risk.
7. Please be courteous by maintaining social distancing practices of 6’ separation whenever possible. Please refrain from sharing guns, hearing protection or eyewear.
8. Till further notice the communal refrigerator at the club will not be available to shooters. It is recommended that you bring your own personal cooler for cold drinks.
9. Face masks are encouraged; but not mandatory. It is highly recommended that face masks be used; especially during down time, between events, or when socializing with others.
Your cooperation with these recommendations is greatly appreciated. By observing these safety guidelines, we can all achieve a measure of confidence that we can still gather in relative safety to enjoy our chosen sport.
Because of the possibility of lighter than usual crowds, volunteers may close up early in the event of very light attendance. It is recommended that if you are arriving later in the evening, you call ahead to see if we are still shooting. This is especially true for those who may come from farther away.
Tuesday Nights: (Rick Howell 515-230-0641)
Thursday Nights: (Mark Hasstedt 515-212-0125)
B.C.S.C. Tuesday/Thursday Clay Target Group - Rick Howell – B.C.S.C. Secretary